S*cking D*ck Down at The Church Rant by Funky Dineva

"I don't play with God's children and I damn sure don't play with jokes for church folks but when that lady got up on that microphone and gave her testimony I like to passed out bih. 

Let me tell you something *singing* "there's a leak in this old building". There was leak in that building and lady's soul was tryna move but y'all denied her application and sent her right back to where she came from. 

Now this is some folks problem with church....Obviously the lady is either mentally ill or damage has happened to her from drug and alcohol abuse, that's a given. Yes, church typically is not the place where you talk about d*ck and balls so on and so forth but what some don't like is how they dismissed that lady when she was on the verge of a breakthrough.

She was sitting there revving herself up filling all anxious getting ready to give her energy to y'all and Christian people always tryna perform an exorcism on somebody. The demon in the spirit that was in her was ready to go. It was right on the verge of coming out. Good tears from her pain was about to flush it out!

Then y'all took the microphone from her judging her up and down and the demon got comfortable again because the it knew she was going to leave the church embarrassed and go get her a Michelob and f*ck for a cigarette. 

While this was funny, they lost a chance to save a soul because if you can't pooch on down to the church and tell people how you was s*cking d*ck and l*cking balls for a good nickel then where the hell can you go?

It should be upsetting! If you can't go to church and get redemption where can you go? That lady was in the right place to tell her story but the super faint we're ill-equipped but they don't wanna hear that shit."

I love me some Funk Diva but could he possible be way off base in observations and possibly this woman was cut short on her so-caled "Breakthrough" because of her vulvar language? Perhaps there was children and teens in that audience that aren't used to that type of language.

Do you think they were being too judgemental? Should the women's ministry have intervened. What do you think should have been done? However we feel, we ought to lift her up in prayer.

Check Funky Diva & her sidekick Nessa on YouTube for thhr funniest reviews, rants, and celebrity gossip. https://youtu.be/rX1YqjBDpGY


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